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Sunday Morning Series

What is a Reformed Church: A Short Series on the Marks of the Church of Christ

Sunday Evening Series

The Eternal King: A Series Through Revelation

WEEKLY AT 11AM and 5pm in The West London Free School Primary School (Cambridge Grove, Hammersmith)

Sunday Worship is central to who we are as a church. When we gather for worship, we are worshipping the God who created us, sustains us, and has redeemed us through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus. In worship we come before this great God to sing praises, lift our needs in prayer, and learn from Him through His Word. We're currently going through a series in the Old Testament Book of Genesis in the morning at 11am and a series in the New Testament book of Revelation in the evening at 5pm.. Join us every Sunday in the West London Free School Primary School (Cambridge Grove, Hammersmith, W6 0LB).

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