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About Grace Church Hammersmith


We exist to glorify God by enjoying Him and proclaiming His truth, in order that the people of Hammersmith might come to know and experience the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.


Grace Church Hammersmith is a church plant of the International Presbyterian Church and a member of the London Gospel Partnership.




Our Values

God’s Word: 

Our desire is that all who come through the doors of Grace Church will come to love the Word of God and orient their lives around the truth it holds.


God’s People: 

Our desire is for us to grow together in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, through worship, His Word, prayer, and fellowship with other believers.


God’s Mission:

Our desire is to equip God’s people to be part of God’s mission, both in local evangelism and by being sent out to plant churches in London and throughout the world.

What We Believe

All are Welcome at Grace Church

We want to warmly welcome you to Grace Church Hammersmith, you don't have to know anything about the Christian faith or agree with everything we believe. We want to be transparent about what we believe and how the church will be led, but whether you have never been to church before or have been in the church your whole life, you are welcome at Grace Church.


We are a Christian Church

As a Christian church we believe that the Bible is God's word. Therefore we make it our priority to know and listen to the Bible and to make it central to all that we do and teach.


We are Conservative and Evangelical

This means that we affirm the historic doctrines of the Church concisely summarized in historic creeds like the Apostles or Nicene Creed. A more modern summary would be the UCCF (Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship) doctrinal basis which is available on the UCCF website.


We are Presbyterian and Reformed

This means that we hold to the historic Reformed faith and subscribe to the Westminster Confession of Faith. Grace Church is a plant of the International Presbyterian Church which is a family of churches holding shared doctrinal convictions and submitting to one another for care and accountability and are lead by Elders (men who pastors and lay leaders) from the IPC.

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